by on January 28, 2023

‘Market Crash’ is a phrase that strikes fear into the FUT 23 trading community because this means that the prices for player cards take a dramatic drop. This generally happens around TOTY because there are many packs being opened, flooding the market with Gold Rare players. So the price of fodder cards will generally hit the floor. If you are not careful, you will lose a ton of FIFA 23 Coins. Of course, you can also use the sudden market downturn to your advantage, meaning you can make coins on lots of players. So in this article, let’s take a look at how to plan for a TOTY Market Crash in FIFA 23.

Stay Ahead Of The Market

TOTY voting kicked off on January 9, and the promo will officially start on January 20. So you’ll have a window on January 12-18 to get rid of any tradeable meta cards you don’t need. After that weekend period, many players will be looking to dump cards ahead of the event. If you have any, you should get out of them around then to minimize losses.

Memorize The Release Cycle

If you’ve been playing FIFA this year, you’ve likely noticed that EA Sports loves to do Lightning Rounds packs when events hit. This means there will be a limited number of great packs in the store, and players will buy them in bulk. This is a great money-making opportunity if you have spare coins because you can scoop up cards that are mass-listed on the cheap and turn around and sell them when an SBC hits.

Not Buy TOTY Cards Too Early

If you have the money to buy TOTY cards, getting caught up in the rush can be tempting. But prices on promo cards almost always come down after the first weekend. Wait to buy cards for your team until a few days after the event kicks off. At the same time, if you want older meta cards, try to time the market as best you can. In this case, look to buy these cards as the TOTY cards are being released because others will be selling to afford TOTYs. You can upgrade your team and save quite a bit of FUT 23 Coins no matter your budget if you’re patient and know when to strike.

By the way, while TOTY cards are undoubtedly great, they are no longer the best cards EA Sports releases in FIFA 23. Don’t feel like you have to get them because better players will likely start to come out during the summer when Team of the Season gets into the swing of things. Was this article helpful? Please let us know in the comment below!

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Topics: fifa 23
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