Ultimate Keto Gummies - The Ketogenic Diet is a low carb, high fat, and moderate protein sparing diet with the purpose of switching your body from being a sugar-burner to a fat-burner.Hi Wanda, I would definitely consult with your physician before starting a new diet plan. 

Hi Barbara Ann, if you still need more information I recommend joining our keto support group on Facebook. In the meantime, you can ask any questions you have in our keto support group on Facebook — there are many diabetics there using keto to manage their condition. 

I really just need an exchange list, showing the serving sizes and when I eat them. I have done an exchange plan for a long time, and I would like to keep doing that, just with Keto in mind.

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Ultimate Keto Gummies Reviews - Vizthum adds that those attempting the keto diet should make an honest attempt to eat whole foods and not turn to processed foods that may be compliant, but are otherwise not healthy . This will ensure both weight-loss results as well as overall health-based results.

This might be useful at the very beginning as you transition away from a high carb diet but should not be continued once you are past the initial shift once your body has adapted to this new eating rhythm. 

If you are feeling hungry right after a meal, you probably didn’t have enough protein or fat. When followed correctly, a keto-based meal will leave you feeling full and satiated for hours.

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