Quietum Plus is a product that has been developed by the company called GreenWorks. It is a cordless blower that can be used both indoors and outdoors. The Quietum Plus is also an easy to use product which makes it perfect for anyone who wants to get their yard cleaned up without having to worry about the hassle of using a traditional blower.

The Quietum Plus comes with a 30-foot power cord, which means you don’t have to worry about running back and forth from the outlet each time you want to use it. This also means that you won’t have to worry about getting tangled in cords every time you use your blower.

The Quietum Plus has five different settings on it, including: one-touch start, two-speed settings, low engine speed for blowing leaves and debris off sidewalks and driveways, high engine speed for blowing off grass clippings and dead grass from far away areas like fences, bushes and trees near your house or property line; three-stage trigger for adjusting how much air comes out of the nozzle; low battery indicator light and reverse trigger switch.




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