by on December 13, 2022

As the novel coronavirus pandemic continues to spread, people are finding that playing video games is an effective way to cope with the situation. Twitch's user base continues to explode, and game developers are lowering the price of or making their games available for free. Pokémon Go has also been updated to make it simpler to play the game indoors. It seems like Animal Crossing: New Horizons would be the perfect game to play in this situation.

It's a game where players can hang out with their friends online in a secure environment while living a carefree life in the great outdoors. It has a cute and endearing quality, and the precarious situation has ratcheted up the excitement surrounding a game that was already very well received. A cursory look through Twitter reveals that gamers are pleading with Nintendo to launch New Horizons earlier than expected or are counting down the days until its launch. The developers of the game are hoping that the new game can assist players in some way, despite the fact that this is not a situation Nintendo could have planned for.


Hisashi Nogami, the producer of New Horizons, told The Verge that "we've been planning this release for quite some time, so it's unfortunate that this timing overlapped with what's currently happening in the world


1. " "We've been planning this release for quite some time

2. ""The events that are taking place all over the world have left me feeling very discouraged and sad

3.  Due to the timing, we have high hopes that a significant number of Animal Crossing fans will take advantage of this opportunity to distract themselves and have fun despite the current predicament

The simultaneous release of New Horizons across the world is one factor that ought to be of assistance with this matter. For example, New Leaf was released in Japan several months before it was available anywhere else in the world in 2012, which created a disconnect between the various regions. The director of New Horizons, Aya Kyogoku, believes that a simultaneous release is particularly important at this time due to the fact that the pandemic is currently affecting virtually every region on the planet in some form.

She explains that "it's the kind of game you want to enjoy with other people, and talk about it, and share the experience with your friends and family" (this is the kind of game that you want to enjoy). Because of this, I believe that a simultaneous release across the globe would be an excellent strategy for the franchise.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons will be available for purchase on the Nintendo Switch beginning on March 20. Stay tuned until later this week for more information gleaned from our conversation with Kyogoku and Nogami. The lengthy Direct presentation that Nintendo just finished up was centered on the new content that will be added to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This new content will include the game's major 2.0 update as well as a significant paid DLC expansion. The availability of both of these items will begin on November 5th.

Let's begin with the free update, which, for longtime fans of Animal Crossing, brings back a lot of characters they may recognize from previous games. You will be able to visit Brewster in his coffee shop, The Roost, Kapp'n will be able to whisk you away to mysterious islands (while serenading you along the way), Katrina the fortune-teller will appear on Harv's Island, and the strange, noise-making Gyroids have made a return.

There are also some fantastic new features for players who have already invested a significant amount of time into New Horizons, whether it be hours or hundreds of hours. There are new house exterior options, storage expansions, hairstyles, KK Slider songs, things you can buy with Nook Miles, and even a pro camera app for the NookPhone that lets you take photos from a new perspective. All of these new features can be found in the latest update. You will be able to cook food using ingredients that you grow, which means that you will be able to set the table for a fun dinner with your friends (virtually speaking). This is possibly one of the most significant updates that will be implemented.

However, Nintendo will also be releasing a paid expansion for New Horizons called Happy Home Paradise for players who are interested in doing even more in the game. The downloadable content will take you to an archipelago of islands, where you will assist guests in creating the paradise home of their dreams on a resort property. You will be able to place the furniture they want in the house as well as decorate it however you want in an effort to make the paradise home that matches what the bear is looking for. For instance, if a bear wants a house with plush bears, you will be able to do this. You'll also have the ability to customize the look of the resort itself. You will also eventually acquire new house decorating techniques, such as partitions, as part of the downloadable content, and you will be able to bring these back to your home on your main island.

The Happy Home Paradise downloadable content will have a price tag of $24.99, and preorders will begin on the 29th of October. It will also be included as part of the subscription to Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack, which will launch on October 25 and cost $49.99 for a single person's membership for a period of 12 months or $79.99 for a family membership for the same period of time.

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