by on June 14, 2023

Without spending any money on Diablo 4 Items the game, you will only collect one legendary crest every month. Buying Battle Passes will only provide you with two or three additional legendary crests every month. Then, you'll have to buy them in person. Legendary crests range in price from approximately $2 and $3 each. The sheer amount of gems you'll require for your character's best equipment, especially considering the extremely low drop rates for gems that have five stars, is the reason why the price of maxing out your character for Diablo Immortal has been estimated as between $50,000 to $100,000 -- potentially even more in the event that you dig into the gem resonance system. (Rock Paper Shotgun provides an exhaustive breakdown of costs that lands at the more cautious end of this scale.)

Diablo Immortal has been given an extremely rough time for this business model (perhaps disproportionately) due to the fact that other free-to-play titles such as Genshin Impact and Lost Ark do not lack similar gacha mechanics that entice huge-spending "whale" customers. Diablo's popularity and fame with its core PC gaming player base, earned over the span of nearly a quarter century, is certainly an influence. However, it's also true that Diablo's system is extremely problematic, and the very character of Diablo games has some connection to that.

If you purchase legendary crests, remember that you're not purchasing a roll of dice like the case with a FIFA Ultimate Team card pack for instance. It is a chance to roll the dice to get into the game engine and tweak the drop rates (slightly) to your liking. Gaming mechanics are addicting and are not separated from the addictive gameplay mechanics, but instead tied directly into combat and loot drops in the game. Diablo is extremely well-placed to accomplish this. As my colleague Maddy Myers pointed out, the games that are heavily focused on loot have always been characterized as buy Diablo IV Boosting slot machines which Diablo Immortal's business model takes the game appear as if it were.

Posted in: Entertainment
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