by on November 11, 2022

This gold needle will be of the utmost significance when it comes time to reach the end of the Millicent questline in Elden Ring. In addition to this, his weapon, which is known as the Commander's Standard, will be given to you. This halberd has a great scaling relationship with both strength and dexterity, which makes it a very versatile weapon. You can also check out our recommended Elden Ring Dexterity build, which includes suggestions for the very best weapons to use in conjunction with it. Adding this weapon to your arsenal can be a very beneficial move, particularly if you are using a build that places an emphasis on Strength to the exclusion of all other stats.

Now that you have the Unalloyed Gold Needle in your possession, it is time to make your way back to Gowry, who will be eagerly awaiting your arrival at the inn now that you have the item in your possession. After you have located Gowry's Shack and given the needle to him as a gift, he will thank you for your efforts by handing over Sellia's Secret in exchange for it. Before continuing with the quest, you will have to return to Gowry for a second time and complete the subsequent task there. Because you will already be standing right in front of him, you will have the choice to either reload the game or use the fast travel feature to go somewhere else and then come back to him. If you choose to reload the game, you will start over from the beginning of the current level. If you choose to use the fast travel feature, you will. They are both qualified for the position they are applying for. After you have completed everything, communicate with Gowry once more, and this time he will hand the needle that has been repaired to you.

After Gowry's work on the needle was finished, it was time to move on to the next location and initiate communication with Millicent. The journey to the new location should begin as soon as possible. You will be able to find her in the Church of the Plague if you look there. You can find this Church if you head in the direction that faces east when you are standing in front of Gowry's Shack. On the map, it will look like it is in close proximity to you, leading you to believe that you will arrive there in a short amount of time. Nevertheless, the Church is currently perched on the edge of a cliff. You can either use the Secret that Sellia Gowry gave you to light the beacons in the village, or you can go to the Bestial Sanctum first and then use Torrent to get there. Both of these methods are viable options for you to reach your destination. You need to possess the Secret of Sellia Gowry in order to choose either of these two paths.

An injured version of Millicent will be waiting for you at the Church of the Plague once you have finally made buy Elden Ring gold there. In order for her to be healed, you will need to present her with the Unalloyed Gold Needle that you obtained from Gowry. After you have completed everything, walk over to the nearby Site of Grace and take a seat there for a short while before getting up. If you pay Millicent another visit, you will see that she is able to stand on her own, which is, of course, a direct result of the efforts that you and Gowry have put forth together. If you talk to her, she will thank you for saving her life and reward you with the Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom Talisman as a token of her appreciation. This Tailsman has the potential to increase your dexterity by five points, making it an item that can come in quite handy.

You will need to make another trip to Gowry in order to finish the quest now that Millicent is back to full health. Once you've finished talking to Gowry at his Shack, open the map to use the quick travel feature to get to a Site of Grace nearby, and then return to his Shack. When you arrive at this location, Millicent will be there to meet and greet you. After you have a discussion with her, the game will request that you reload it, at which point Millicent will move on to the subsequent location on her quest. The conversation will come to an end as soon as the game has been loaded successfully for the second time. You will now be able to buy Gowry's Pest Bells spells directly from him as of today, as he will be taking on the role of a merchant in addition to his other responsibilities. This modification will become effective straight away. It's also possible that you'll run into him again during the Millicent questline; however, whether or not you do so will be determined by the choices you make as you make your way through the quest.

The Elden Ring runes for sale Millicent questline will continue after the acquisition of the Valkyrie's Prosthesis if you choose to continue with it. It is imperative that you acquire this in order to proceed with the quest; failing to do so will prevent you from making any further headway in the investigation. You will have to make your way to the Atlus Plateau in order to reach the Shaded Castle, which is the objective that you will be aiming for when you complete this mission. This castle can be found on the highest point of the plateau; the map that can be found further down on this page shows its precise location in greater detail.

You have arrived at a pretty incredible location in the Shaded Castle, and there is a great deal more for you to discover in this part of the castle. However, for the purposes of this guide, we will focus solely on the steps you need to take in order to obtain Valkyrie's Prosthesis so that you can proceed with the storyline. By exploring this castle, you have the potential to obtain a variety of different items; however, for the purposes of this guide, we will focus solely on the steps you need to take in order to obtain Valkyrie's Prosthesis.

After you have entered the Shaded Castle, your primary objective is to continue moving through it until you come across the Cleanrot Knight, who will be guarding a room. Once you have done this, you will have successfully completed the mission. There, he will be awaiting your arrival as planned. Along the path that leads up to this room, there are going to be a significant number of antagonistic characters that you will encounter. However, since quickly completing the quest is your primary objective, you should avoid engaging them in combat and instead simply run past them. This will allow you to complete the quest as quickly as possible. After you have located the Clearnrot Knight, you will have the option to engage in combat with him if you are confident that you will be able to defeat him in a relatively short amount of time. In the event that this is not the case, on the other hand, you will have no trouble getting by him and entering the room. This room has a chest that holds the Valkyrie's Prosthesis inside of it. Inside this room is where you will find it.

Now that you have Valkyrie's Prosthesis in your possession, it is time for you to go and have another conversation with Millicent. You can do this at any time. Before you can complete this mission, you will need to make your way to the Site of Grace which is located at Erdtree-Gazing Hill. Millicent is located in the general direction of the north-northeast of this Site of Grace. You should strike up a conversation with her and then hand the Valkyrie's Prosthesis that you have just recently acquired to her. This will allow you to start a conversation with Millicent and will ensure that you listen carefully to everything that she has to say. Following the conclusion of everything else, it is time to travel to Windmill Village.

Windmill Village can be found on the side of the Atlus Plateau that faces north. This is the side that has the windmills. You will engage in combat with a number of adversaries on the way there; however, the primary focus of your attention should be on evading their grasp as quickly as you can. Fighting when it's not necessary to do so will only serve to impede your progress and waste your time.

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