by on March 29, 2023

But in the end, my complaints are fairly limited...aside from what I'm guessing were hackers Dark And Darker Gold, or even just individuals with the purple or higher weapon who were able to one-shot me from close to max health, with just the single blow of a knife to the of them was one of them was a Wizard at some point.

I'm trying to push my wizard today. Just to see how bad the changes are. I believe the splash damage is a bit over-tuned. However, the wizard does not feel as bad. I believe the changes are fair. It's not a break in the class. Simply make sure you utilize your abilities better. The light nerf is big time LuL, but. 8>6 yaokdude.

I appreciate your being on top of both this and the thread before it and posting relentlessly in the face of other posters. But there are valid critiques that need to be heard and addressed, which you are ignoring focus on.

For example, how rudimentary the combat is. Combat is a combination of two skills that include moving (usually slow) and shooting at targets that move slowly. In the case of NPC combat, we have the added element of deflecting slow combats that are telegraphed. None of these are particularly complex and the final is just tedious. The game could use various things.

Blocks like this don't need an extremely precise idea of where your 3rd person model (that you aren't able to see) is positioned. And instead, your character appears like they're able to perform self-defense system and can position their weapon or shield according to.

An attack that is more telegraphed that bypasses blocks and reverses them in a way that shocks the blocker instead attackers opening them up to a followup.

A quick step which allows you to move away from the slow attack, and then exploit the opening with an attack buy Dark And Darker Gold?

Posted in: Entertainment
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