by on April 28, 2022


Image split from right to left: man standing  Lost Ark Gold in front of grain sacks in the farm field the map of Prideholme, and Cook Hely crafting menu

While you are back at Prideholme, you might as be able to stay and bake some bread. To make this recipe, you will be heading south to the two farms at Prideholme.

Visit the west farm field and approach the sacks of grain that are positioned next to a wagon and an the ox. The sacks that you examine will yield the Giant Wheat Sack. The only thing left to do is go back for Cook Hely and whip up some Regria Wheat Bread to earn 1,400 silver.

A split image from the left side to the right a player looking for ferns, map of Loghill and Cook Hely's crafting menu

One of Rethramis' far less appetizing recipes can be sourced from the fields of Loghill. You will want to travel toward your East Oratory. Within the southwest corner of the field just below what is known as the East Oratory area, there is a clump of pale ferns, surrounded by White Redbeak mobs.

You can search until you see  Lost Ark Gold for sale an "Investigate" icon. Interacting with it will gather... A Disgorged Lump. Yummy. It is possible to bring this to Cook Hely back in Prideholme to create Protein Packed White Bird Stew for 1,400 silver. Turns out the "protein" comes from bird meat, but rather the stuff they cough up. Ugh.


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